legal & Compliance

Service Guide

Service guide Pogona Insurance BV


We think it is important that you have a good insight into the services we offer you. We have drawn up this Pogona Insurance Service quide to provide you with the information you require. This service guide focuses in particular on our advice with regard to insurance. The Service guide of Pogona Insurance BV complies with the provisions of the Financial Supervision Act.

Who are we?

Pogona Insurance uses its own advisors. Pogona Insurance mediate and advise in the field of nonlife insurance. Pogona Insurance is not financially obund to any party, which means that we have a completely free advisory position. Pogona Insurance can make use of several insurers that work with independent advisors.

Our services

We advise on non-life insurances regarding car insurance, on track insurance, trackday insurance, personal accident insurance, liability insurance, transit and accident insurance and tailored insurance for special projects.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation you can rest assured that we handle your personal information with care (see also our Privacy policy).

Thinking time

If you take out your non-life insurance via telephone sales or via internet, a cooling-off period applies. This means that, after receipt of the policy you still have the right to cancel the insurance. The legal cooling-off period you are given is a maximum of 14 days and it starts the moment you receive the policy. This arrangement does not apply to insurance policies with a contract period of less than a year, or to insurance policies where it has been expressly agreed with you that they will be fully executed before the cooling-off period has expired. If you make use of this ‘right of reflection’ it is assumed that the insurance never existed. Do you wish to make use of the right to have your insurance canceled? Then you can return all insurance documents to our office.

Please note: if you make use of your right of cancellation, Pogona Insurance has already had to incur costs to take out the to take out the insurance and draw up the policy. For this reason Pogona Insurance ask you to pay EUR 15 plus the policy costs

Our relation with insurers

We include the products of several insurers in our advice. Pogona Insurance has no contractual obligations to mediate exclusively for certain insurers. We have however mad special agreements with certain insurers. These agreements enable us to make good and attractive offers, both in conditions of the insurance as pricing.

What do we expect from you?

You can place high demands on our services. But in order to provide you with a good service, we also expect a number of things from you:

It is important that you provide correct and complete information. This in your own interest. If, in the event of damage, it subsequently appears that you have provided incorrect or incomplete information the insurer may ben entitled, on the basis of the insurance terms and conditions, to no reimburse or not fully reimburse the damage.

If you have insurance elsewhere, it is important for us to know. This information is necessary to determine whether you are under insured or over insured in your case. For certain services we are legally obliged to establish you identity on the basis of an original proof of identity. You can therefore expect that we will ask you about this.

To prevent important risks from remaining uninsured, we expect you to inform us of changes in your personal situation or adjustments with regard to insured items as soon as possible. We maintain alle contacts with the insurer, unless otherwise arranged. If you wish to contact the insurer yourself, we will inform them of this. We would like to be kept informed by you of any direct communication with the insurer, so that we can provide you with adequate guidance.

The policy will be sent directly to you. We only receive a copy of the policy afterwards.


Collection by the insurer

You have authorized the insurer to have the premium debited from your bank account by direct debit. Premiums are debited at a fixed time that has been announced to you in advance; If you have questions about the debit, disagree with the amount of the debit or want to reclaim a debit, we can advise and assist you.

Premium payment problems

It is important that you pay the premiums on time. If you do not pay the premium on time, the insurance company may refuse to pay the damage in certain circumstances. In that case, the premium owed can also be collected legally. The associated costs may be charged to you. If you are entitled to a full or partial premium refund under the insurance conditions, we will take care of the contacts with the insurance company on your behalf. If you do not expect to be able to pay on time, please inform us in good time so that we can look for a solution.

How are we rewarded?

Remuneration based on commission

After the services we have provided, we receive compensation from the insurance company(ies) where your insurance is taken out, which forms part of the premium. We will inform you in advance if additional services are provided to you for which you will be charged directly.

Reward based on declaration

We charge you for some of our services based on hourly rates that we discuss with you in advance. Before we start an assignment, we make an estimate (if you wish) of both the content of the service and the costs involved. As soon as additional work arises, we will inform you of the financial consequences and we will ask for your permission before the additional work is carried out. For some assignments we ask for an advance on the costs still to be incurred. We specify our invoices according to assignment and the number of hours involved. We also work with pre-agreed fixed prices.

Our quality

We comply with the requirements of the Wft (Financial Supervision Act). We also have the necessary permits from the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets. These permits are required by law to be able to mediate in insurance. To stay up-to-date, our insurance advisers follow permanent education. We also have adequate professional liability insurance.

Termination relationship

You have the right to terminate your relationship with us at any time. You can request your insurance company to transfer the current insurance policies to the advisor of your choice. We can also take the initiative to end the relationship with you. This does not alter the fact that existing insurance contracts will be maintained. The duty of care with regard to your insurance lies with us as an intermediary until another intermediary takes over this duty of care.


If you have a complaint with regard to our services, we would like to hear from you in writing as soon as possible. For complaints, please contact our management. The management will handle your complaint carefully in accordance with our complaints procedure. If we cannot reach a satisfactory solution together, you can turn to the civil court or submit your complaint to one of the independent bodies listed below.

For complaints about our activities with regard to insurance:
KiFiD (Complaints Institute Financial Services)
PO Box 93257
2509 AG The Hague
Tel.: 0900-3552248
E-mail: Website:

Our activities with regard to non-life insurance are specified below, so that you can get an impression of our services.

Our service to you

If you engage us and if it relevant and desirable, you can expect the following services from us:

  • An inventory of your current insurance package. We advise you on which part of the risks you should insure and which risks you may be able to take on yourself.
  • Helping with the timely cancellation of existing insurance policies that run elsewhere.
  • Tips and advice so that you can reduce the risk of damage due to fire or theft, for example, and thus prevent unnecessary premium costs.
  • Together with you, we ensure that you do not insure yourself too much or too little.
  • If you prefer, we will go through the differences in conditions between similar competing insurance products. We advise you on the choice of conditions so that they best suit your specific wishes and circumstances.
  • We assist you in completing the insurance application.
  • Check whether the insurance application has been completed correctly and completely.
  • At a later stage, we also check whether the policy you receive from the insurer is correct.
  • We check the premiums that insurers charge you.
  • Should you suffer damage, we will represent your interests. For example, in contact with the insurance company.
  • In the event of death or permanent disability, we will provide guidance in taking the measures necessary to enable the insurance company to pay the benefits to which you or your heirs are entitled under the insurance policy taken out.


You can reach our office in various ways:
By phone: +31(0)6 12886983
By Email:
Our office is located in Amsterdam